Quantum Shade Interactive


We are an award-winning, game development group based in Sydney, Australia. We strive to make games that make new contributions to the art form. Whether it's a new take on an old idea, or something radically different, our goal is to make our players say: "I've never seen anything like that before." We also have limited resources and skimp on things we don't deem essential; like web design. ;) (send help)

Contact Details

  • Email: contact@quantumshade.com
  • Facebook: [LINK]
  • Delivery: c/o Matt Cabanag, E6A360, Eastern Road, Macquarie University, NSW, 2109, AU


  • [LINK] For "Homeless" - Technical Excellence Award; Global Game Jam ~ Sydney (2014)
  • [LINK] For "O2" - Best Game; Global Game Jam ~ Sydney (2013)
  • [LINK] For "Protocol E" - Top 10 Finalist; Qantas Spirit of Youth Awards (2013)
  • [LINK] For "Protocol E" - Digital Kitchen Grant Funding; Screen NSW/Metro Screen (2013)